
更新时间:2022-02-28 10:12

Thats your brand. The muscle and the hustle. The double-Ds and the ditz.下面是句子网小编整理的破产姐妹友情句子,一起来看看吧!

1.Dont run, its Han. For him, every step we take is like a 100-meter dash.

2.I see an opportunity, and I make it happen.

3.Listen, everybodys broke in their 20s, and everybody hides form stuff, you run into freezers, I prac

4.This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.

5.There is no luck. There is only work.

6.Its cool if you dont want to join in on the cupcake dream, but at least wait till you find another.

7.People who hate you, but cant kill you. Thats what family is.

8.When you dont have enough money to fix your own mistakes, youve make your own magic.

9.We are two very different kinds of idiots, but were idiots.

10.I have two rules in life: Never drink from the same well as a gypsy, and never lend money to friends

11.I act like i dont want anything , because i never got anything i wanted

12.People who hate you, but cant kill you. Thats what family is.家人就是恨你却又不能杀你的人。

13.Were gonna be successful. Because we have the two things the really matter-you and me.--我们都会成功的,因为我


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